Welcome to the Academy
Be realistic and demand the impossible

We are glad you found us. Here's a quick look at what we are all about.

Expand your knowledge of agriculture, animals, and nature while examining the fundamentals of media production or hacking. Learn something new while teaching peers about your skills and interests.
Online, anything seems to be possible, the barriers to entry so low that people really try to achieve and accomplish some pretty incredible and impossible things. People grind away in online environments and social games tending virtual farms and slaying virtual dragons. Why not translate some of that back into the real world?--Academy co-founder, Jesse Hirsh
Open your mind to the impossible, and let your inspiration flow. Critical thinking and collaborative cognition are essential.
We're a peer to peer school. Join an inter-generational community in which students are teachers and teachers are students. Some of the teachers are animals!
We can all learn from each other and help each other learn. Working together makes possible what would be impossible to achieve alone. Mutual aid is the glue that holds our community together.
Thanks to the high speed connectivity that allows us to stream continuously, our community spans the globe. Virtual events also make possible participation in the Academy's doings when being onsite is not viable.
Knowledge increases in value the more it is shared. Join us in exploring the power of shared human creativity.
We appreciate your attention
Want to learn more? Please refer to our About Us, Faculty, and Programs pages.
Find out what your favourite faculty--whether equine, caprine, canine, feline , lapine, or avian--are learning and teaching these days on our What's New page.
Let the herd and the flock know you are feeling the love! Get in touch via our social media, listed on our Contact page.
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